Argentina Notary Public - Buenos Aires Notarial Services
Notary Public (Escribano Publico) - Buenos Aires - Argentina
A Notary Public in Argentina (Civil Law Notary) is not to be confused with a Notary Public known in most states of the United States and Canada (the countries of origin of many of our clients).
Although both positions are often referred to as "notary", there is a distinct difference between the two.
In Civil Law Countries such as Argentina with the term Notary Public always is meant a Civil Law Notary.
In the USA, with the exception of the states of Louisiana and Puerto Rico, the term notary refers to a Public Notary.
The same applies for in Canada, with the exception of the provinces of Quebec and British Columbia and for many other Common Law Countries in the world.
In Argentina, the law stipulates that when called upon, the Notary Public is obligated to render service, unless providing the requested service would constitute an immoral or illegal act.
The services rendered by a Notary Public in Argentina concern Property Law; Family Law; Probate Estate, Wills, Trusts, Succession & Inheritance Law; Corporate Law; comprising among others:
• Preparing and executing deeds having probative value and executory force.
• Explaining the nature and content of the deeds and contracts.
• Performing Title Searches.
• Acting as an Escrow Agent.
• Preparing Sale & Purchase Agreements.
• Preparing and executing Transfer Deeds and Mortgage Deeds.
• Preparing and executing Deeds of creation of Condominium Rights.
• Preparing and executing Deeds of Issuance of Rights of Long Lease, Rights of Superficies, Rights of Usufruct and establishing Easements.
• Causing certain deeds to be inscribed in the Public Registers.
• Issuance of authenticated copies of the executed notarial deeds.
• Incorporation of Legal Entities such as limited Liability Companies, Foundations, Private Fund Foundations and Associations.
• Filing documentation of Legal Entities with the Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
• Preparation of Share Transfer Instruments.
• Providing legal advice including rendering Legal Opinions.
• Preparing and executing deeds of Last Will and Testament.
• Partition and Division of Estates.
• Acting as a Mediator.
• Performing Basic Services as Authenticating Signatures and other Verifications.
• Taking Oaths and witnessing Affidavits.
• Witness of signatures and certified copies of documents.
• Powers of attorney
Unlike the countries that follow the Common Law, the conveyance of a real estate Property in Argentina requires notarization before a Argentinian notary public.
Notarization before a Argentinian notary public is also necessary in order to acquire, or dispose of, a title in Argentinian real estate.
Notarization in the meaning of the above is not only a simple authentication of signatures, but comprises the full preparation of the notarial deed and advising the parties involved on the essentials of the intended transaction. The notarial services include the filings with Land Registry (Registro de la Propiedad Inmueble).
The Notary is in principle responsible for the validity of the transaction he notarizes. He is a holder of a public office and directly supervised by the public authorities.
A limited number of Kier Joffe attorneys in Buenos Aires, Argentina are also admitted as notaries public. These are, therefore, prepared to render notarial services regulated by specific legislation.
The notary team, equipped with state-of-the-art technology and experienced personnel, provide counsel on real estate transactions needing notarization under Argentinian law.

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Local Date and Time:
Friday, 15 June 2012
03:25:43p.m. (GMT -03:00)
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